President's message: We will continue with long range plan

December 09, 2010 - Rhode Island

Richard Hitt, Phoenix Property Management

It is the mission of the Greater Rhode Island Chapter No. 88 that Strategic and Long Range Planning is the thread of continuity for each year's administration, and this year's new officers are committed to that mission. As we move into 2011 and as we accept our responsibilities and commitment we are look forward to what lies ahead.

Our chapter's focus continues to be creating value to our members, actively attracting new members, involving all members and continuing to provide meaningful leadership to the real estate community. The 2011 chapter administration will continue in this direction. Therefore; as we move ahead, we will continue to provide quality education programs, recruit new CPM and ARM Candidates, as well as Accredited Commercial Managers and Associate Members and we will continue to search out ways to improve services to our chapter members.

Those installed at the chapter's December meeting as officers for 2011 are the following:
President: Richard Hitt, CPM - Phoenix Property Management, Inc.
1st vice president: Anthony Natale, CPM - Salvatore Capital Partners
2nd vice president: Gisela Medek, CPM, - Barkan Management Co.
Treasurer: Kerri Furtado-Breen‚ CPM - S-C Management Corp
Secretary: Sherry Kriss, CPM, - Picerne Real Estate Group

Executive Councilors:
* Robert Cuttle, CPM, - The Simon Companies
* Susan Monaghan, CPM - Rhode Island Housing
* Jason Martins, ARM - Phoenix Property Management, Inc.
* Beverly Courville‚ CPM - OMNI Development Corporation (Alternate Council Member)

Also, at the December meeting, the chapter welcomed two property managers as an Accredited Residential Manager (ARM). Allison Serina from Phoenix Property Management, Inc. and Leigh Janovsky from Hallkeen Management were sworn in as ARM members by senior vice president of IREM Chris Mellon.

The chapter's next meeting will be a membership appreciation breakfast on January 19th at Twelve Acres in Smithfield. Professor Len Lardaro will speak about the economy and what the economic indicators are telling us.

For more information and details regarding IREM and the upcoming events and educational courses, please feel free to contact Janet Monaghan‚ chapter administrator, IREM-RI Chapter No. 88, PO Box 41497, Providence, RI 02940-1497 - [email protected].

Richard Hitt, CPM, is a senior property manager with Phoenix Property Management Inc., Warwick and is the president of IREM-Greater R.I. Chapter No. 88, Providence.


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