President's message: Work and fun - Can you have them both?

June 05, 2014 - Northern New England
As I am out doing business and attending various events that we all do, I ask the question "How is business going?" Now most of the time when we ask this question it is either a conversation starter or like talking about the weather we feel we are supposed to ask. Which here in New England we know can change at any moment.
The general consensus of agents and affiliates is everyone is busy, which is exciting because we know the deals are coming. But something to keep in mind as you are working your markets, you can and should have a good time as well. Many have heard the story of the two lumber jacks: one worked long hours and very hard, the second did not appear to work as hard and took many more breaks then the first. Ultimately the second lumber jack cut down more trees then the first. So the first asked the second how this was so, and the second told him he was not just taking breaks but he was sharpening his saw so he was able to cut down more with less effort.
I find the story of the lumber jacks applies to all of us as well, and having some fun and taking those breaks will make big differences in our businesses. I know we are still waiting for summer to actually arrive, take time and enjoy what is around all of us.
Now for all of you reading my messages each month you may be wondering how I may tie this all back into our great organization. First we have many training sessions throughout the year to sharpen your skills. The other side we have our great Affiliate's group putting on wonderful "after hour" events. At the last event in Hampton, I know several people starting to connect for some deals, while having a great time.

We have several events coming up in June, NHCIBOR's annual picnic will be on June 19th at TF Moran. If you would like to attend contact us or go to our website to our calendar of events.
The New England Real Estate Journal will be hosting a Cocktails & Conversation event on June 11, and we would like to invite associations from the commercial real estate industry. We will have tables set up around the room at the venue for all the associations to introduce themselves and their leadership. NEREJ Radio will podcast live from the event as well. We are expecting over 200 people from the industry!
If you would like more information on having a booth and being a part of this event either contact NEREJ or us.
Remember, to sample a taste of this great organization, you can attend our two statewide marketing sessions held each month. For details go to our website and click on calendar of events:
* 3rd Friday in Portsmouth
* 4th Wednesday in Bedford

All of the details for these and others can be found at under calendar of events.

Thanks for taking the time to talk with me this month. And, as always, if you would like to see something appear in our message please reach out to me.

Mark Dickey is the 2014 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors.Mark Dickey, NAI Norwood Group


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