Presidents message: Volunteers make IREM work

July 02, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers
July is a month of celebrating our independence from royalty, taxation without representation, our freedom and self-determination. There are times when I wonder if we really have representation for the amount of taxes we all pay. There are other times when our freedom is trampled on by new laws, court decisions and local governments applying their by-laws.

Thank God it is an election year and we can all vote for the candidate we think will best run the country. I may have complained a little about taxes but we do have the opportunity to vote and participate in governing our country, states and towns. Did you know that a majority of our local governments are run by citizen volunteers? The Institute Of Real Estate Management functions much the same way with team partners and volunteer members. The institute functions more efficiently than government however.
This is the time of year when IREM members can volunteer to participate on committees, advisory boards and task forces. There are several opportunities for members to use their expertise to guide the Institute but also to meet other members across the world. I have found it to be very rewarding. If you wish to volunteer visit:

The chapter has just completed the final CPM classes for 2008 and will be inducting them into the institute on November 6th meeting. The chapter is offering another 15 seminars and two educational classes through the end of 2008. Please check the website at

Where Leaders Rise and Chapters Shine
This is the time of year when the chapter is planning 2009. The planning includes the 2009 calendar, budget, nominations for chapter leaders. In addition August 7th - 8th is the regional Leadership Conference in Annapolis MD. The purpose of this conference is to provide additional training for chapter leaders and members. This will be my 14th regional meeting and I have always found it to be enlightening. Do not miss it.

Next Event
The golf tournament on September 15th will be our next event. The tournament will be held at Granite Links Golf Course. The IREM Foundation is the charity for this event. I urge all the members to come and enjoy the view and elect the officers for 2009. If you are a golfer, come and enjoy the whole day. If your schedule is too full, come from 5 - 7:30 p.m. for another networking opportunity. Below is the schedule for the day:
*Lunch/election: Noon-1:15 p.m.

*1:30 p.m. Shot gun

*Cocktail hour/awards 5 - 7:30 p.m.

*Hors d'ouvres, silent auction/raffle prizes 6-7:30 p.m.

I want to see all of you there to have some fun.

Winder Nordblom is the 2008 president of the Boston chapter of IREM, Boston, Mass.


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