Prime locations available to showcase your properties at

December 11, 2008 - Front Section

Rejournal features offers several ways to showcase your properties to a targeted audience of over 25,000 commercial real estate professionals and industry leaders each month. receives top ranking in major search engines and we are very well branded, having been online for 11 years with the same name/Internet address., as a whole, receives on average 25,000 visitors and 100,000 pages visited each month and growing.
The for sale/lease and auction properties advertised on our homepages receive on average 35 to 40 targeted click-thrus to their website through their advertisements on our homepages as well as receiving an average of 2,000 targeted impressions (page views) each month.
Our statistics have shown that the following spots do very well each month; the "Featured Property" spot at the top left corner of our homepages has proven to be one of the hottest spots available. All of our "Features" spots get great results each month, whether it's an auction, property, request for proposal or a product or service the "Features" always get our visitors' attention and are very well received. All property auctions featured on our homepages have the added bonus of being featured on our auctions page and all for sale or lease properties receive the added bonus of being featured on our monthly features page which helps to increase the presence and broaden the reach of your interests, stretching your advertising dollars.
We also offer a Hot Property Alert, email marketing program which is another great way to showcase your properties. It is a weekly email alert that features five properties sent via email to an "opted in" list of 23,000 subscribers (11,500 for New England and 11,500 for New York). It features all New England properties one week, all New York properties the next and so on...
Properties are also featured in "Slideshow/Movie" on the appropriate homepage of for one week and are archived on for a two-month period.
Properties are featured on a full page ad in the appropriate Real Estate Journal each week as well.
Advertise on; utilize the power of the northeast's most comprehensive resource for commercial/investment real estate, unparalleled performance and proven results... Try it.
For more information email Don Scott at [email protected] or call (781) 878-4540 x286 or (800) 654-4993.


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