Professional designations and your career: Updates to FMP certification

August 04, 2011 - Owners Developers & Managers
As the field of facilities management continues to grow in recognition and stature the need for bona fide professional recognition increases as well. IFMA has offered the Certificate in Facilities Management (CFM) for some time and this rigorous, highly sought after certification has been the holy grail of professional recognition. Where the CFM is designed for the more experienced facilities manager the Facilities Management Professional (FMP) fills the much needed void for the newer FM looking to establish themselves and to develop a well rounded skill set that addresses core competencies of the profession.
IFMA has recently completed an extensive overhaul of the FMP process, converting from a largely self-directed exercise to offer a more typical academic experience. The association has decided to leave the option of online, self study in the hands of the student but is also promoting the classroom experience to help people through the process and offer a schedule/agenda that will appeal to newer FM's who wish for some guidance and structure.
The FMP program consists of four modules with print material covering essentials of the profession: operations and maintenance, project management, finance and business essentials, and leadership and strategy essentials. Each module, once completed either in the classroom or individually, has a competency/assessment test to measure the student's mastery of the topic. Once the assessment is successfully completed the student moves on to the next module.
If the CFM is the ultimate goal of most FM's, many wonder who the FMP appeals to. The primary target audience for the FMP is an early to mid-career facility manager seeking enhanced knowledge and skills. The FMP also appeals to individuals looking to transition into an FM career, partner practitioners such as architects, designers and safety engineers, as well as students entering the profession from colleges, universities certificate and technical programs. For those who fit this description and are interested in furthering a career and seeking the most respected certifications in the profession, consider exploring the FMP and all that it offers.
The Boston chapter of IFMA is exploring the best options for offering assistance in both the FMP and CFM material.
Additional information about these programs is available at the following links: and
CFM Certification Prep Launches in the Fall
We will be forming a new CFM study hall in the fall for individuals that are interested in taking the CFM exam. This will run for six weeks and will culminate in a two day CFM exam review course. Watch the upcoming events for a CFM breakfast for all current CFMs and those that are interested in pursuing the certification.


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