Professional Profile: Adam Stark, 2013

September 19, 2013 - Connecticut

Adam Stark, Stark Office Suites

Name: Adam Stark
Title: President
Company: Stark Office Suites
Location: Greenwich, CT; Stamford CT; New York City; White Plains, NY; Harrison, NY; Mount Kisco, NY; and Scarsdale, NY
Place of birth: Bronx, New York
Family: Wife, Marisa, and 6 kids
College: Princeton University
First job unrelated to your current field: Investment banker
First job in current field: Founder of Stark Office Suites
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Stark Office Suites is the leading independent provider in Suburban New York of Executive Office Suites. We provide premium turn-key full-time offices and flexible virtual office solutions that take advantage of the latest technology. Our operations have grown by over 30% in the past year and we plan to continue expanding our footprint in Metropolitan N.Y. and Connecticut. Hobbies: Running and spending time with my family
Favorite novel: "The Stand," by Stephen King
Favorite film: "The Untouchables"
Keys to success: Hard work, integrity, managing risk
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Winston Churchill
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Closer for the New York Mets


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