Professional Profile: David Belleville 2012

December 27, 2012 - Green Buildings

David Belleville, Aircuity, Inc.

Name: David Belleville
Title: Strategic Account Manager
Company: Aircuity, Inc.
Location: Newton, MA
Place of birth: Lowell, MA
Family: Wife Arlene; daughters Alix & Olivia
College: Southern New Hampshire University, BS Business; MBA; New Hampshire Vocational/Technical College - AAS- HVACR Technology
First job unrelated to your current field: Security Guard
First job in current field: HVAC system designer
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Aircuity is the smart airside efficiency company providing building owners with sustained energy savings through its intelligent measurement solutions. By combining real-time sensing and continuous analysis of indoor environments, the company has helped commercial, institutional and lab building owners lower operating costs, improve safety and become more energy efficient.
Hobbies: Cycling (20 year Pan Mass Challenge Rider), Hockey, Snowboarding, Hiking, vacationing at the Cape/Mountains, percussionist
Favorite book: Unbroken; Laura Hillenbrand
Favorite film: It's a Wonderful Life (annually reminds me what is "really" important in life).
Keys to success: Planning, perspective, confidence, and not being afraid to fail.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Steve Jobs
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Cycling Tour Guide in Italy.


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