Professional Profile: David Williamson, 2013

November 07, 2013 - Rhode Island

David Williamson, Savings Institute Bank & Trust

Name: David Williamson
Title: Vice President Commercial Lending
Company: Savings Institute Bank & Trust
Location: Newport, RI
Place of birth: Providence, RI
Family: Wife, Leza; twin boys Zachary & Tyler; and dog Henry
College: Johnson & Wales University
First job unrelated to your current field: Golf caddie
First job in current field: Merrill Lynch Fenner Smith Co.
Hobbies: Golf, skiing
Favorite novel: "The Da Vinci Code"
Favorite film: "The Bourne Identity"
Keys to success: Having the passion, being able to take on risk, high self-esteem, persistence and who do you know.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family) Warren Buffet
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Professional golfer


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