Professional Profile: Joan Schneider, 2013

September 05, 2013 - Front Section

Joan Schneider, Schneider Associates

Name: Joan Schneider
Title: President
Company: Schneider Associates
Location: 2 Oliver Street, Boston
Birthplace: Irvington, New Jersey
Education: B.S., Magna Cum Laude, Boston University, Owner President Management Program (OPM 16), Harvard Business School
First job outside of real estate: Information Services Manager, WBZ-TV
First job in real estate or allied field: Launch of three Hines Industrial buildings, Point West Place in Framingham, MA, University Place in Cambridge, Westborough Office Park
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Spiritual leader of and creative spark for Schneider Associates, one of Boston's top 25 PR, integrated marketing and social media firms
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? Riding with my husband on his Harley Davidson and enjoying lots of pink cocktails (afterwards not during)
Favorite movie: Any independent film at the Coolidge Corner Theatre
Last song you downloaded? Gangnam Style by Psy
One word to describe your work environment: Collaborative
Rules to live by in business: Be there for your clients and colleagues 24/7; never overreact, effective solutions are made by rationale people
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Picasso, a café in Giverny, France
What is your dream job? Being a contemporary artist


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