Professional Profile: Joel Breuer, 2013

August 15, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

Joel Breuer, HG Cornerstone, LLC

Name: Joel Breuer, PE
Title: Managing Partner
Company: HG Cornerstone, LLC
Location: Three Center Plaza, Suite 210, Boston, MA 02108
Birthplace: Massachusetts
Education: Northeastern University, BS Civil Engineering
First job outside of real estate: Construction engineer
First job in real estate or allied field: Real estate broker
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Right now I am growing our real estate advisory and construction consulting practice. In the very near future, putting together real estate development deals.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I like golf, motorcycles, basically any kind of boat, jet skiing, softball, volley ball (you can tell it's summer as I write this), would love to surf some more again.
Favorite book or author: Trump "Art of the Deal", any book written by a real estate developer for their stories, successes and failures ("The War at the Shore by Richard D. "Skip" Bronson, plus "Good Guys, Wiseguys and Putting Up Buildings" by Samuel C. Florman to name a couple more), "The Goal" by Eli Goldratt (Brilliant—a textbook disguised as a novel!), "The Fighters Mind" by Sam Sheridan, and many others—Who has only one favorite...?
Favorite movie: Basically anything with Arnold, Sly, Statham, Rourke, etc. Action Movies. Who has one favorite? Sometime though I'll sit down with my wife and watch "Something's Gotta Give", "As God as it Gets", "Pretty Woman", "Sex and the City (Parts 1 through 7...)", or "Pride and Prejudice"—Sometimes. Probably watch more TV than movies. I'm a Reality TV junkie. I like "Million Dollar Listing-NY", and "LA" plus Flipping Out"—all on BRAVO. Also, "Airplane Repo" is kind of cool. But I draw the line at "Swamp Logger". And I'm definitely still addicted to Seinfeld after all these years.
Last song you downloaded? "99 Problems..." Jay-Z
One word to describe your work environment: "Innovative"
Rules to live by in business: "Practice like you play on game day."
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Probably Jerry Seinfeld--and would like Larry David to come along too (since this is entirely a "what if scenario"). I love to laugh. Has to be at "The Palm" in LA.
What is your dream job? I think I'm at it.



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