Name: Michael Sinclair
Title: Chair - Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Assn.
Company: Hingham Institution for Savings
Location: 55 Main St., Hingham, MA
Birthplace and year: Boston - 1962
Family: Wife - Kim; Son - Danny
College: New England College of Finance - Associate in Banking; MBA - Fairfield University
First job in finance or allied field: Teller at Quincy Savings Bank
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Maintain the MMBA's present path; exchange information with members; stay active with regulators.
Hobbies: Time with family, NE Patriots football
Favorite book: Anything by John Grisham
Favorite movie: "Star Wars"
Person you most emulate (outside of family): John F. Kennedy
Key to success (one idea): Work hard; keep you eye on the ball