Professional Profiles: Thomas Shen, 2013

December 27, 2013 - Green Buildings

Thomas Shen, Shen Milsom & Wilke

Name: Thomas Shen
Title: Managing Partner
Company: Shen Milsom & Wilke
Location: New York, N.Y.
Birthplace: New York, N.Y.
Education: University of Hartford, BS Electronic Engineering
First job outside of real estate: Audiovisual Systems Integrator, Barksy Associates
First job in real estate or allied field: Consultant, Shen Milsom & Wilke
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Managing partner, eventually to become president/CEO.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? Spending time with my family
Favorite book or author: No particular favorite
Favorite movie: "Goodfellas"
Last song you purchased/downloaded? "Kodaline"
One word to describe your work environment: Dynamic!
Rules to live by in business: Treat every client like they are your ONLY client!


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