Professional Women in Construction - CT Chapter will hold public program on Tuesday, Nov. 6th

October 02, 2007 - Front Section
Professional Women in Construction-CT Chapter will hold a program open to the public entitled "Risky Business - Surety Bonds in Construction" on Tuesday, Nov. 6th at 6:30 p.m. at the Chowderpot IV Restaurant, 165 Brainard Rd.
Attendees at this program will learn what qualifications the major surety companies are looking for and the role of surety agents, accountants and attorneys in helping construction professionals improve their business.
Discussion points include:
*Surety Industry Financial Results
*Current Pre-qualification standards
*How to Maximize your Bonding Capacity
Presenters are: Ralph Pulver, VP, Travelers Bond;?Bruce Bergstrom, director/branch manager, CNA Surety; Greg Faulkner, attorney/partner, Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner; Joseph Spagnoletti, CPA, Kostin Ruffkess & Co.
Moderator: Michael Metayer, president, Metayer Bonding Assoc.

Registration and networking begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and program at 6:30 p.m. $50 per person (PWC members) and $65 per person for non-members.
For registration information, please email: [email protected]


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