Professional Profile: A.J. Bernard 2000

A.J. Bernard - 2000

Name: A.J. Bernard - 2000

Title: Chairman of the board

Company: Real Estate Professionals of Conn., LLC

Location: Danbury, Conn.

Birthplace: Ridgefield, Conn. - 1936

Family: Single, with 2 children College: Yale, U.Conn. First job outside of real estate: Bulldozer operator First job in real estate or allied field: Commercial broker What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I do everything from management to sweeping the floor. We handle property from Nova Scotia down the eastern seaboard including large tracts of land in Conn. and N.C. Hobbies: Golf, mountain climbing, lineage research Favorite book: “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Favorite movie: “The Alamo” Person you most emulate: Alfred Everett Bernard, my late father Key to success: Detail orientation If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Fiction writer