Professional Profile: Andrian Shapiro 2021

Andrian Shapiro

Name: Andrian Shapiro

Title: Principal

Company: LCB Boston

Location: Allston, MA

Birthplace: Ukraine

Family: Married with three kids

College: Master’s in Economics from the Institute of Economics, Kiev; Law degree from Law Academy of Odessa (Masters in Jurisprudence) - Summa Cum Laude for both degrees.

First job unrelated to your current field: Grocery store, delivered Boston Globe

Hobbies: Cars, restore and race.

Favorite novel: “The Four Hour Body” by Timothy Ferriss

Favorite film: Charlie Chaplin

Keys to success: The sky is the limit

Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Elon Musk

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Pilot