Professional Profile: Anthony Dematteo 2009

Anthony Dematteo - 2009

Name: Anthony Dematteo - 2009

Title: Vice President

Company: Dimeo Construction Company

Location: 75 Chapman St., Providence, RI 02905

Birthplace: April 1958

Family: Married to Irene. Three daughters. College: Bentley College, BS; Baldwin Wallace, MBA First job unrelated to your current field: Financial analyst for Ann Taylor First job in current field: Project accountant What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: Manage marketing and new business development efforts; continue to grow market presence of firm. Hobbies: Golf, gardening and fitness Favorite novel: "Hug Your Customer" by Jack Mitchell Favorite movie: The Graduate Keys to success: Innovation Person you most admire (outside of family): Frank Capra If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Designer What is the biggest green change you would like to see happen in your industry over the next 10 years? Design and utilize building materials and energy systems that are all consumption renewable.