Professional Profile: Ashley White 2017

Name: Ashley White
Title: Assistant Operations Manager
Company: Ropes & Gray LLP
Location: Boston
Birthplace: N/A
College: Wentworth Institute of Technology
Years in business: 5
What does your firm do and any plans for the future?: Ropes & Gray is a global law firm with 11 office locations, which serves clients in key centers of business, technology and government. I want to go back to school and get my MBA.
Hobbies: Painting/anything outdoors
Favorite novel: “Pride and Prejudice”
Favorite film: “Across the Universe”
Keys to success: Organization, goal setting and networking
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: I would want to be an astrophysicist. I love learning about the universe.
Are you a member of an association related to the CRE industry: I have been an IFMA member for 7 years. When I was in college my professor encouraged me to join, and network with peers in the industry. I have also volunteered within the organization. I am newer to CoreNet, and currently in their Young Leadership Program. I believe there is benefit in being a member to both.
How did you get your start in this business and why: I originally went to Wentworth for Interior Design, and realized it just wasn’t for me. I transferred into the facilities program, and realized Facilities Management is where my passion was.