Professional Profile: Brian Ohler 2015

Brian Ohler 2015

Name: Brian Ohler 2015

Title: Safety Manager

Company: O&G Industries Inc.

Location: Torrington, CT

Birthplace: Torrington, CT

Family:  Not married; Uncle to 2 amazing nephews and 2 amazing nieces

College: Bachelor of Arts; Management; in progress

First job unrelated to your current field: U.S. Army Military Policeman

First job in current field: President of Patriot Safety Group LLC; Safety and Security Consulting

What your firm does now? O&G is Connecticut’s largest privately-held construction company that provides both construction services and materials. O&G is widely known for its heavy civil, highway and bridge construction projects.  Most people don’t know that we are also a building company.  We are the state’s top school construction contractor and we are very involved in the healthcare market.   On the materials side we sell asphalt, concrete, sand and stone products through our quarries and plants.  We also sell mason products such as brick, pavers and natural stone countertops through our Earth Products Showcase locations throughout the state.

What are our plans for the future? O&G is a family-owned company in its 3rd generation of leadership.  During the coming years there will be a transition to the 4th generation of leaders who will continue to grow and expand the company.

Hobbies: Community Outreach, fishing, hunting