Professional Profile: Christina Oneglia Rossi 2017

Name: Christina Oneglia Rossi - 2017
Title: Business Development/Project Management
Company: O&G Industries, Inc.
Location: Torrington, CT
What was your first position/job in the A/E/C Industry? I was a project engineer for O&G on the Sarah J. Rawson Elementary School construction project back in 2004.
Was the A/E/C Industry your chosen professional path? Why or Why not? Yes, I really wanted to work in an exciting job where each day would present new challenges.
How did you get to where you are now? When I started my career I was able to learn from exceptional project and operational managers. That helped me move from a project engineer to a project manager role. Over my career I’ve found myself more and more involved in industry and community efforts, which has allowed me to grow into my current business development role.
Bio: Christina Oneglia Rossi, Business Development & Project Management at O&G. Rossi leads business development and project management for O&G’s Special Projects Group where she works with clients in the healthcare industry. She began her career at O&G in 2004 as a project engineer, progressing to BIM/MEP coordination before being promoted to project management. Rossi holds a master’s degree in Construction Management from Central Connecticut State University. Outside of her professional life, she serves on the Hartford Hospital Auxiliary Board and coaches ice hockey for her children’s team.
Advice/Keys to success: Treat others as you would like to be treated