Professional Profile: Christopher Edge 2016

Name: Christopher Edge - 2016
Title: Economic Development Director
Company: Town of Berlin
Location: The Geographic Center of Connecticut
Birthplace: Norwalk, CT
Family: Married with 3 kids
College: Eastern Connecticut State University
First job unrelated to your current field: Paperboy
First job in current field: Rep - 800 line @ CERC
What your firm do now and its plans for the future? We have seen great activity in the past year, in the retail, office and industrial sectors. Our focus in 2016 is the Kensington Village which houses our historic 1900s Train Station. From there, you will be able to ride north or south over 15 times a day when the New Haven/Springfield Rail is running in 2018. Additionally, working to help Berlin manufacturers to grow and find qualified labor.
Hobbies: Soccer, playing with my kids, trying to be a great dad and foster dad
Favorite novel: “Snake” – Ken Stabler
Favorite film: “Heat” (DeNiro/Pacino)
Keys to success: Believe there is a way to do it, even when people tell you otherwise…
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Elon Musk
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Run a non-profit helping children in foster care.