Professional Profile: David Arruda 2000

Name: David Arruda - 2000
Title: Realtor
Company: Century 21 Hughes & Carey Realty
Location: New Bedford, Mass.
Birthplace: New Bedford, 1968
Family: Wife, Anne (expecting first child in April) High school/college activities: Vocational Industrial Club of America First job outside of real estate: Carpenter First job in real estate or allied field: Century 21 Hughes & Carey Realty What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Residential/light commercial sales (concentrate on retirement communities) Hobbies: Collecting Extracurricular time: Personal development Last book: “The Millionaire Next Door” Last movie: “Jerry Maguire” Person you most emulate (outside of family): Bob Carey (founder of C-21 H&C) Key to success: Consistently remain focused If you were not successful in the business you are now in and were forced to choose another vocation, whether you are qualified or not, what would it be? Commercial airline pilot