Professional Profile: Edward Eramian 2009

Name: Edward Eramian - 2009
Title: Manager (Owner)
Company: 207 Tracy Road Associates, LLC
Location: Killingly, Conn.
Birthplace: Providence, R.I. - 1952
Family: Married (34 years); two sons (and two wonderful daughters in law) College: University of Maine (BS Civil Eng.); Bryant University (MBA - Mgt.) First job outside of real estate: Vice president of Operations, National Patent Medical, CT - 1987 First job in real estate or allied field: Owner Bailey Hill Management - Property Mgt. & Dev. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Development of Park @ 207 and mixed use development using cutting edge urban planning and energy concepts. Hobbies: Kayaking, golf, cross country skiing and hiking Favorite books: "Rural by Design" by Randall Arendt; "The Stand" by Steven King Favorite movie: "The Dark Knight" Person you most admire (outside of family): Rev. Jim Kelleher (a former parish priest) Key to success: Approach business each day with the eyes of a new employee and the lessons learned from my lifetime experience If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? College professor or teacher