Professional Profile: Edward Jordan 2006

Name: Edward Jordan - 2006
Title: Investment Associate
Company: Marcus & Millichap
Location: New Haven, Conn.
Birthplace: New York. March 10, 1964
Family: Wife, Ximena Jordan College: BA, Allegheny College; JD, Brooklyn Law School First job outside of real estate: U.S. Foreign Service First job in real estate or allied field: Attorney real estate What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Developing investment real estate markets from Westchester through Hartford and New Haven Counties Hobbies: Offshore sailing Favorite book: “The Sun Also Rises”, Ernest Hemingway Favorite movie: “Annie Hall”, Woody Allen Person you most admire: My father Key to success: Power of positive thinking If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Architect