Professional Profile: Eric Greene 2023

Eric Greene

Name: Eric Greene

Title: Vice President, Residential Group Manager

Company: Erland Construction, Inc.

Location: Burlington, MA

Birthplace: White Plains, NY

Family: My wife, two daughters, and two grandchildren. 

College: Northeastern University

First job unrelated to your current field: A waiter

First job in current field: A two-year construction management training program

What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Erland is a construction management firm that strongly emphasizes developing our team members, enabling them to provide exceptional service to our valued clients. Our commitment to continuous improvement extends to finding innovative solutions to meet our clients’ evolving needs. 

Hobbies: Boating and spending time with family.

Favorite novel: I’m always reading a business or self-improvement book.

Favorite film: CODA

Keys to success: Always have a positive attitude, over-communicate, do what you say you’re going to do, stay focused on what really matters, and work hard.

Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Warren Buffet for the fact that he is still working at 92 and is heavily involved in philanthropy.

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Financial Planner. I love studying companies and trying to find the next best investment.