Professional Profile: Eric Litsky 2012

Eric Litsky - 2012

Name: Eric Litsky - 2012

Title: Broker/Owner

Company: Litsky Associates

Location: 10 Windham Dr., Simsbury, CT

Birthplace: Bronx, NY

Family: Wife, Norma and four grown children, one granddaughter College: University of Hartford First job outside of real estate: Vendor at Shea Stadium First job in real estate or allied field: Director of marketing, Bronson & Hutensky What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Retail broker and development consultant. Hobbies: Foreign travel, playing the tuba, stage acting, tango dancing Favorite book: "Truman" Favorite movie: "The Red Violin" Key to success: Understanding the value of honoring your word If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be? Singer/song writer or novelist.