Professional Profile: Ernie Babineau 2016

Ernie Babineau - 2016

Name: Ernie Babineau - 2016

Title: Vice President

Company: United Building Solution, a division of United Steel

Location: East Hartford, CT

Birthplace: Cheshire, CT

Family: 23 year old son, 20 year old daughter College: BS – Structural Engineering from Roger Williams College.  AS – Building Construction from Wentworth Institute of Technology First job unrelated to your current field: Bag boy at Stop and Shop First job in current field: Steel erector at Gaetano Construction, Inc What your firm does now and its plans for the future? United Steel is New England’s largest fabricator and erector of structural steel.  United Building Solution is expanding our services into the turnkey pre-engineered building market. Hobbies: Golf, dirt bikes, sport shooting, hiking Favorite novel: Dune by Frank Herbert Favorite film: Casablanca Keys to success: Hard work and never stop learning If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? I can’t imagine being in any other profession