Professional Profile: Jeff Nicholas 2020

Name: Jeff Nicholas
Title: Senior Director, Capital Projects
Company: EBI Consulting
Location: Burlington, MA
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
College: University of Conn, BS, Mechanical Engineer
First job unrelated to your current field: Tobacco farm laborer
First job in current field: GE Healthcare - engineer
Describe your firm as you are currently and your future plans? For over 30 years, EBI has delivered environmental science and engineering reports to property owners, buyers, sellers and lenders, informing real estate business decisions with integrity. Our clients have continually asked for expanded services to support a more comprehensive definition of property risk profile and related property improvements. Our services now include project planning, design, construction and facility compliance, supporting clients with complex development needs. The business of real estate management continues to evolve and EBI recognizes the value of looking forward. We have begun collaboratively integrating digitally-managed real estate intelligence for clients, creating property risk profiles and property lifecycle management techniques into their businesses.
Hobbies: Ice hockey, skiing, biking
Favorite novel: “For Whom the Bell Tolls” Earnest Hemingway
Key to success: Recognizing “Everything Counts”
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Steve Jobs, for his relentless determination to improve communications between people.