Professional Profile: Jefferson Kellam 2008
Jefferson Kellam - 2008
Name: Jefferson Kellam - 2008
Title: Registration Representative
Company: Nationwide Financial Network
Location: 1613 Hanover Ave., Richmond, VA
Birthplace: Norfolk, VA
College: Randolph Mason, BA, English First job outside of finance: Marketing rep. for Texaco First job in finance or allied field: Agent for John Hancock Life Insurance Co. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Provide financial planning services for people looking toward retirement. Hobbies: Sailing, home renovation Favorite movie: “Gone With the Wind” Person you admire most (outside of family): Ronald Reagan Key to success: Don’t give up If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Enter the ministry - the more you do for people, the better your life is.