Professional Profile: Jeffrey Jacobson 2018

Name: Jeffrey Jacobson - 2018
Title: AR VR Consultant
Company: EnterpriseVR
Location: Boston, MA
Birthplace: N/A
Education: Ph.D.
What does your firm do and any plans for the future? I am an independent consultant helping professionals in several industries make good use of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and related technologies. Most often, I provide strategic advice on the best hardware and software use and how to use it. I also provide custom-built solutions, when nothing on the market will do. I have a team of fellow freelancers whom I can call upon to tackle larger projects.
Keys to success: Deep knowledge of the VR and AR from a Ph.D. in it and 25 years of experience in the field. My doctorate is in Information Science, a mix of computer science and cognitive psychology. I have applied my skilled to consulting in a long list of industries.
Do you have a mentor, and if so who and why? My current “mentor” is Scott Adams, the author of the popular Dilbert comic. His book “How to win big, while failing at nearly everything” is truly brilliant.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Still working in immersive media. I see no reason to slow down.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? I wouldn’t!
Favorite novel: “American Gods,” by Neil Gaiman.
Favorite film: Right now, “Coco”!
Hobbies: Cooking