Professional Profile: Jennifer Burke 2021

Name: Jennifer Burke
Title: Community & Economic Development Director
Company: Town of Bridgewater
Location: Bridgewater
What should developers know about the process when working with your community? Bridgewater is eager to work cooperatively with businesses. I will be your point of contact and coordinate joint staff meetings and walk you through our process. We have online permitting that streamlines the process as well as an in-house Town Engineer to review projects. Bridgewater strives to make the process business friendly.
Are there any areas within your communities that you are looking to draw investment? Bridgewater’s focus in the coming year is to revitalize our downtown. Particularly the Central Square area. We have a designated Opportunity Zone that is perfect for redevelopment at this time. The Town has several plans to help guide prospective developers. The Town is considering traffic improvements to aid in the revitalization as well as the rehab of a couple of municipal buildings to spur the efforts.
Why should developers look to your town? Bridgewater is an ideal community for commercial investment. We are home to the second largest state university and the commuter rail into Boston runs through the center of Town. There is direct access from Rtes. 495, 24 and 18 into town. Over the next 5-7 years there will be an influx of housing units available for employees and or customers. Bridgewater is on the cusp of something special and you do not want to miss out!