Professional Profile: Jessica Inacio 2017

Name: Jessica Inacio - 2017
Title: Business Development Associate
Company: CT Economic Resource Center
Location: 805 Brook St, Building 4 Rocky Hill CT 06067
Birthplace: N/A
Education: BA in Political Science & Sociology, Bucknell University; MPA & MA in Survey Research, UCONN
Favorite novel: “The House of Spirits,” Isabel Allende
Favorite film: “American Beauty,” “Casablanca,” “Inception”
Hobbies: Travel, horseback riding, reading, learning new languages
Keys to success: I am constantly seeking new challenges and experiences to further develop both personally and professionally. I think that this attitude has helped me to grow and develop new skills and constantly expand my network and meet new and different professionals.
Do you have a mentor? I have found both a mentor and a friend in Melissa McCaw, director of management, budget and grants for the City of Hartford. She is also a UConn MPA alum and has continuingly shared her experiences and provided insight on the many different paths that are available to me. She has been a champion for me and has continued to support me in my personal and professional growth.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? CERC is an economic development agency that supports the State’s economic development initiatives through our work in research, marketing, and business development. In the business recruitment division, I look forward to continuing our efforts to educate foreign and domestic companies on the opportunities available and supporting them as they seek to establish and expand in the State of Connecticut.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Interpreter in the United Nations or the European Union.