Professional Profile: Jill Areson 1995
Jill Areson - 1995
Name: Jill Areson - 1995
Title: Marketing coordinator
Company: Caswell, Eichler & Hill, Inc.
Location: Portsmouth, N.H.
Birthplace: Providence, R.I., 1966
Family: Single High school/college activities: Student government, field hockey, softball First job outside of real estate: Newspaper reporter First job in real estate or allied field: CEH – Current – environmental consulting firm, working to redevelop and clean up contaminated property What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Now: marketing/writing for environmental consulting firm; future; the sky is the limit Hobbies, likes: Meeting people, debating ideas Last or favorite book: “Rabbit, Run” Last or favorite movie: “Like Water for Chocolate” Key to success: Self-confidence, enabling a person to pursue high goals If you were not successful in the business you are now in and were forced to choose another vocation, whether you are qualified or not, what would it be? Sociologist