Professional Profile: Joseph O’Malley

Name: Joseph O’Malley
Title: General Manager
Company: Ashkenazy Acquisitions Corp./ Jones Lang Lasalle
Location: Faneuil Hall Marketplace & South Station Train Terminal, Boston, MA
Birthplace: Dorchester, MA
Family: Owen, Heather, Maureen, Peter, Meghan and mayor Martin Walsh
College: Saint Anselm College
First job unrelated to your current field: Answered phones, Saint Margaret’s Parish in Dorchester.
First job in current field: My first operations job was director of housekeeping, Sage Valley Golf Club, South Carolina.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? We own the land leases and operate Faneuil Hall Marketplace and South Station. We’ll continue to make Faneuil Hall more attractive to locals by adding to the tenant mix.
Hobbies: Golf; hanging with Owen, Heather, and our dog, Lulu; traveling; eating Brigham’s Chocolate Chip.
Favorite novel: “To Kill a Mockingbird”
Favorite film: “Braveheart”
Keys to success: Motivate and empower my team; be myself; use my moral compass; maintain sense of humor; take everything one day at a time.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Tiger Woods as a golfer and for his determination to overcome personal demons and excel. As someone who overcame my own demons, it was great to see. There’s nothing better than being a good father, I saw that with Tiger.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? I would have been a meteorologist. My friends call me “Joey Doppler.”