Professional Profile: Justin Barros 2017

Name: Justin Barros
Title: Vice President of Student Organization
Company: Construction Institute
Location: Connecticut
Birthplace: N/A
Education: University of Hartford
Organization: National Organization of Minority Architects
Title: President
Association: Construction Institute
Title: Vice President of Student Organization.
Degree: Associates of Architectural Engineering Technology. Currently working on my bachelors of science for Architectural Engineering Technology
Minor: Business Management and Civil Engineering
Military: 2 years in the United States Marine Corp Reserve as an Infantry Mortar man.
What would you want a new employer to know about you? I am tireless in my efforts to grow as an employee, as well as an individual. Playing sports and military training has instilled in me a desire to always become better.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? On a project as the project manager or possibly the lead architect.
Favorite novel: “Welcome to the Monkey House” by Kurt Vonnegut, short stories
Favorite film: Grease, I have many good memories of watching it with my mother as we sang along to the music when I was a child.
Hobbies: Cooking, playing sports and trying new things
Keys to success: Work hard and be adaptable to change.
Do you have a mentor? My father, he taught me to gain the insight of others
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? A chef. Cooking is a unique art form that involves constructing dishes visually beautiful as well as palatable.