Professional Profile: Matthew Pelrine 2016

Matthew Pelrine - 2016

Name: Matthew Pelrine - 2016

Title: Broker

Company: NorthStar Insurance Services Inc.

Location: Needham, MA

Birthplace: Winchester, MA

Family: I have three brothers and more aunts, uncles and cousins than I can count.

College Attended (If Applicable): UCONN

First Job Unrelated to Field: Laborer for tree nursery

First Job in Current Field: Agent for Liberty Mutual

What Does Your Business Do Now, and What Are Your Plans for the Future: Year-after-year we provide our clients with the insurance program that best suits their needs for the lowest possible price available in the insurance marketplace, while serving as their advocate throughout the claims and audit processes. We ensure our clients are supported with the services and expertise necessary for their risk management program to maximize profitability – not hinder it. Whether we assist in implementing an employee safety program, advise on subcontractor relations or go to the RMV on your behalf, our goal at NorthStar is to provide the best service you have ever received from a vendor – period.

Hobbies: Skiing, sailing, body-surfing and general goofing off

Favorite Novel: “The Count of Monte Cristo”

Favorite Film: “North by Northwest “

Keys to Success: Empathy, integrity and accountability.

Role Model (outside of family): U.S. Marine Corporal Tim Gibson for being the embodiment of leadership and service, and for emboldening my personal commitment to those values.

If You Had to Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be: A toss-up between high school social studies teacher and SCUBA instructor.