Professional Profile: Michael Malloy 1998
Michael Malloy - 1998
Name: Michael Malloy - 1998
Title: Vice President of Operations
Company: Payton Construction Corporation
Location: 273 Summer St., Boston, MA
Birthplace: New York City, 1949
Family: Wife, Jane Berardi-Malloy College: UMass, Boston First job outside of real estate: Manufacturing – inks First job in real estate or allied field: House building What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Presently oversee operations for company and plan on continuing in that role as the company grows Hobbies: Hockey, racquetball, skiing, golf Favorite book: :The Tao of Physics: Favorite movie: “Apollo 13” Key to success: Providing solutions to problems; being innovative If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Teaching