Professional Profile: Michael Norman 2008

Name: Michael Norman - 2008
Title: Principal
Company: Abbot Building Restoration Co.
Location: Boston, Mass.
Birthplace: Brookline, Mass., 1948
College: BSBA, Suffolk University First Job Unrelated to your current field: Paint and wallpaper store (high school) First job in current field: Worked for this company, starting after college. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Mason contractors specialize in building envelope repairs, transitioning from second to third generation management. Hobbies: Tennis, physical training, golf Favorite book: “The Profiles of Henry Thoreau,” Thomas Hampson Favorite movie: “Field of Dreams” Person you admire most (outside of family): J.F.K. Keys to success: Growing up in your chosen field within the organization from apprenticeship to management If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Social worker