Professional Profile: Michael Saccoccio 2006

Michael Saccoccio - 2006

Name: Michael Saccoccio - 2006

Title: President

Company: Greater Providence Board of Realtors/Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

Location: Providence, RI

Birthplace: Providence, RI, 1956

Family: Wife, Deborah; Son, Benjamin College: Bryant College First job outside of real estate: Park Police Officer First job in real estate or allied field: Sales Associate What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Our board represents Realtors for their ever-changing needs and plans. Hobbies: Skiing, fishing and traveling Favorite book: “The Millionaire Next Door” Favorite Movie: “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” Person you most admire (outside of family)? Rudy Giuliani Key to success: As you climb the ladder of success, use one arm to raise yourself and the other arm to help pull up someone else. If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be? Open an ice cream stand