Professional Profile: Michelle Waldon 2019

Name: Michelle Waldon
Title: Senior Associate + PM Leader
Company: ICON Architecture
Location: Boston, MA
Birthplace: Buffalo, MN
Family: Partner of 20-years & three rescue dogs.
College: Master of Architecture from Washington University in St. Louis, Bachelor of Science from University of Northwestern
First job unrelated to your current field: Customer service at QVC taking phone orders in the pre-internet era.
First job in current field: KRJ in St. Louis, MO building architectural models and hand drafting.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: Our focus at ICON Architecture is creating sustainable projects that inspire one to LIVE innovatively, LEARN in inspired surroundings, and RENEW inherent value.
Hobbies: downhill skiing, sea kayaking, travel, snorkeling
Favorite novel: Tara Road by Maeve Binchy
Favorite film: Sixteen Candles
Keys to success: 1) Work hard & play harder. 2) Love what you do or do something else.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Ruth Bader Ginsburg, aka “Notorious RBG”
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Running an animal sanctuary.