Professional Profile: Mike McLaughlin 2019
Name: Mike McLaughlin
Title: Senior Vice President
Company: Landry/French Construction
Location: Portsmouth, NH
Birthplace: Quincy, MA
Family: Wife, Amy – sons Owen, Liam and Colin
College: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
First job unrelated to your current field: Paper boy
First job in current field: Field engineer
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: We are a leading construction management firm that is growing in size and geographical footprint. I’m excited about opening an office in New Hampshire for Landry/French and working on great projects for great owners.
Hobbies: Golf, guitar
Favorite novel: Anything by John Grisham
Favorite film: Braveheart
Keys to success: Try to find solutions where everyone wins. Teamwork
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Abraham Lincoln
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Football coach