Professional Profile: Nancy Greenwald 2016

Name: Nancy Greenwald - 2016
Title: Executive Director
Company: Construction Institute of the University of Hartford
Location: Hartford, Connecticut
Birthplace: Fort Dix, N.J.
Education: Harvard Law School (JD, cum laude-1981), Brown University (Sc.B, magna cum laude-1978)
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? The Construction institute (CI) is non-profit, nonpartisan professional organization based at the University of Hartford that has been providing vision, leadership, problem solving and unique education for more than 40 years. Our mission is to improve the industry by promoting cross-industry collaboration. Transforming the industry requires the thinking, energy, and experience of everyone in the industry. Join us in 2017.
Favorite novel: “Middlemarch,” George Eliot
Favorite film: “Star Wars” (the original) and “Chocolat”
Keys to success: Insatiable curiosity, a passion for working with others to improve processes and outcomes, and a commitment to continuous personal growth.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Jazz vocalist, oceanographer, or astronaut.
Are you a member of an association related to the CRE and AEC Industries? If so explain: In addition to my affiliation with the Construction Institute, I am an arbitrator and mediator, serving on the American Arbitration Construction Industry Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators. I am also a member of the American Bar Association Forum on Construction Law and Dispute Resolution Sections as well as a member of the National Institute for Building Science.