Professional Profile: Peter Brandenberg 1966

Peter Brandenberg - 1966

Name: Peter Brandenberg - 1966

Title: -

Company: Prudential Development Corp., New York

Location: New York

Birthplace: New York City, 1941

Education: Fairleigh Dickenson University Peter learned the real estate business from the building supply angle, working with Empire Wall Board Supply Company for several years before deciding to build his own apartment property. Two years ago he joined Irving J. Feder Co., an income-property building firm, which had been highly successful since the turn of the century. Eight months ago Feder became Chairman of the Board, John Karlton assumed the presidency, and the organization became Prudential Development Corp., builders/investors to carry on the Feder tradition, with one change. They were now interested in building all over the world. “We are mainly constructing shopping centers now”, states Peter, representative in the New England area where the firm has two under construction, two planned and several more on the drawing boards. “I am always looking in New England for new sites for our centers. The firm’s goal is to become the largest developer in the world.” Brandenberg is single, lives in New York City, is a radio ham and pilot. “Flying comes in handy when looking at new sites.”