Professional Profile: Richard Keshian 2003
Richard Keshian - 2003
Name: Richard Keshian - 2003
Title: President
Company: Keshian & Reynolds, PC
Location: 1040 Mass. Ave., Arlington, MA
Birthplace: Arlington, MA
Family: Wife Jacqueline, children, Richard and Carolyn College: Boston Univ.-B.S. Business Administration; B.U.-J.D. First job outside of finance: U.S. Marines (1958-1964) Infantry, Lieutenant First job in finance: Solo practitioner What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Outreach-relate to the consumers-emphasizing need for qualified legal services with real estate; reach out to the Bar and to the legal community. Now name MCA: The Real Estate Bar Assn. for Massachusetts. The MCA is rebranding itself to include all forms of real estate law practice. Hobbies: Jogging, new to golf; reading Favorite book: Theodore Rex Favorite movie: Any Monty Python Person you most emulate (outside of family): Guy Haskins, Ken Whitecarber, marine officers Key to success: Hard work; be nice to people If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Teach