Professional Profile: Robert Keiser 2008
Robert Keiser - 2008
Name: Robert Keiser - 2008
Title: Vice President Sales
Company: Atherton & Associates
Location: Split Rock Plaza, 702 Bridgeport Ave., Suite 301, Shelton, CT
Birthplace: Fairfield, CT
Family: Married, wife, Sandi; 3 children, 8 grandchildren College: Bullard Havens Technical (Trade school) First job unrelated to current field: 1956, worked with civil engineering crew on I-95 during its construction. We had a two mile section from Pembroke St. in Bridgeport to Stratford Ave. in Stratford, including 14 bridges. First job in current field: County Commercial, Fairfield, CT What your firm does now and its plans for the future: We currently represent several development sites. I was heavily involved in commercial and industrial development as a construction superintendent and as land developer on my own in the 1970s. Our future is geared toward developing strong relationships with national tenants. Along with our knowledge of land use we feel we are on track for the future. Hobbies: Reading Favorite book: “Pillars of the Earth” Favorite movie: “Seems Like Old Times” with Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase and John Grodon Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Bill Gates and Andy Rooney Keys to success: Positive approach, listening to my clients. If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Entertainment