Professional Profile: Ron Goodin 2020

Name: Ron Goodin
Title: Healthcare Principal
Company: Phase Zero Design
Location: Simsbury, Conn. (office also in Hingham, Mass.)
Birthplace: Windham, Conn
Family: Wife Beth, son Harry, daughter Allie
College: Syracuse University, Go Orange!
First job unrelated to your current field: Stocker at a small family grocery store
First job in current field: Drafter for a sprinkler/plumbing firm
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: Full-service architecture/interiors specializing in healthcare, academic, multi-family housing, hospitality and retail; plans to expand each of those markets to additional regions
Hobbies: Home renovations of my 130-year-old house and working to a single-digit golf handicap
Favorite novel: Any historical biography
Favorite film: “It’s a Wonderful Life” (family tradition Friday night after Thanksgiving)
Keys to success: Positive attitude gets positive results, never stop being curious
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Not one person, but I admire people that have high integrity, lead by example, and take the time to mentor and understand both sides of an issue.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: Maybe a surgeon, I really like to watch surgical shows and see how things go back together.