Professional Profile: Ronald Jodice 2009

Name: Ronald Jodice - 2009
Title: President
Company: PDS Engineerng & Construction, Inc.
Location: 107 Old Windsor Rd., Bloomfield, Conn.
Birthplace: Youngstown, Ohio - 1958
Family: Married 27 years. Two boys, 23 and 21. College: BS Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Minor, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass. First job unrelated to your current field: General Electric Polymer Research Labs, Pittsfield, Mass. First job in real estate or allied field: Project Manager, PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: 1) Growing talent. 2) Controlled steady growth to offer our employees new opportunities and our customers world class service. Hobbies: Skiing (National Ski Patrol volunteer); fly fishing, golf, sporting clays, banjo, harmonica Favorite book: "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" Favorite movie: "Last Samurai" Person you admire most (outside of family): Dr. Who Key to success: Work as hard to help others succeed, as you do for yourself. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Full time ski patrol