Professional Profile: Sally Hersey 2016
Name: Sally Hersey - 2016
Title: President-Elect
Company: Greater Providence Board of Realtors
Location: Providence, RI
Birthplace: Providence, RI
Place of birth: Providence, RI
Family: Husband Todd and son Dane
College: Johnson & Wales University
First job unrelated to your current field: Public relations and Advertising BC/BS of RI
First job in current field: Realtor
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? To provide support to the Greater Providence area Realtors
Hobbies: Reading, biking, swimming
Favorite novel: There are so many, I can’t pick just one
Favorite film: “The Wizard of Oz”
Keys to success: Compassion, persistence and perseverance
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Lori Ruggieri was a very close friend that lost her battle to cancer this year. She stayed positive and strong until the very end. She even attended her daughter’s college graduation just hours before her passing. Her strength and courage are unsurpassed by anyone I’ve ever known.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Doing something in a charitable organization and hope to start a foundation when I retire.