Professional Profile: Sheryl Bezak Guglielmo 2015

Sheryl Bezak Guglielmo - 2015

Name: Sheryl Bezak Guglielmo - 2015

Title: Senior Project Engineer

Company: DiPrete Engineering

Location: Dedham, MA

Birthplace: Warwick, RI

Family: Wonderful husband Greg, 2 Sets of parents, 3 sisters, 2 stepsisters, nieces and nephews, and baby on the way!

College: Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA

First job unrelated to your current field: Oaklawn Animal Hospital in Cranston, RI

First job in current field: Fafard Real Estate & Benchmark Engineering in Ashland, MA

What your firm does now and its plans for the future? At DiPrete we try to understand our client’s business so we are able to walk in their shoes. We want to know the markets they work in, the people and businesses they deal with, and their overall mission. In our industry, being a competent engineer is a prerequisite; it’s the areas outside of engineering where we can make a difference. Our plans for the future include expanding our knowledgebase by learning more and more about client’s businesses and how we can create more value for them.

Hobbies: Climbing mountains on my road bike

Favorite film: “Hitch”

Keys to success: Believing in yourself and the willingness to put the time in to be prepared.

Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Dennis DiPrete

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Veterinarian