Professional Profile: Stephen Antoni 2009
Stephen Antoni - 2009
Name: Stephen Antoni - 2009
Title: RIAR Treasurer and Realtor
Company: Re/Max Professionals
Location: 655 Main St., East Greenwich, RI 02818
Birthplace: Providence, 1957
Family: Wife, Lisa, and 3 children College: University of Rhode Island First job outside of real estate: Cruise director First job in real estate: Re/Max What do you do now and what are you planning in the future?: Currently I amĀ involved in real estate sales, in the future I would like to tour as a motivational speaker. Hobbies: Old toys, cigars and traveling Favorite book: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom Favorite movie: The Godfather Person you most emulate: John F. Kennedy Key to success: Believe in yourself and never stop pursuing your desires If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be?: Politician