Professional Profile: Terri Fink 2017
Name: Terri Fink - 2017
Title: Principal
Company: The S/L/A/M Collaborative
Location: Glastonbury, CT
Birthplace: NA
Education: UCONN-BS Interior Design & Resource Management
What was your first position/job in the A/E/C Industry? Interior Design Assistant, Bernard Vinick Associates
How did you arrive at your current position? An employee at BVA, informed me of the opportunity while we both were taking a class at Paier College of Art instructed by the interior design lead at Stecker LaBau Arneill.
Advice/Keys to success: Be a team player, an honest straight shooter, a trusted colleague. Understand that “the whole is only as good as the sum of its parts.” Do all that you can to help make others successful and you will also succeed.
Bio: Frink is a principal, Interior Architecture Studio leader, and board member of The S/L/A/M Collaborative. For more than 25 years, she has managed and designed significant projects for leading educational and corporate clients. She is a workplace design expert with strong communication skills and extensive experience in project management, planning, space programming and design. She and her studio are a key component of the SLAM design team, ensuring buildings are responsive to client goals and budgets and reflect the desired image and brand.
Associations: IIDA, CREW (served on the sponsorship and blue ribbon committees), CoreNet Global (active member of the Board of Directors and Program Committee for the CT/Westchester chapter)
Recent Project: The Hartford’s “CT on the Move” project